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Frequently Asked Questions

Foundation Classification

CIFC is a 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) as an organization that receives a substantial part of its financial support in the form of contributions from publicly supported organizations, from a governmental unit, or from the general public.

What is the activity?

Collective Impacts Foundation conducts activities with and through a communal (shared) network approach comprised of multiple disciplines in route to positive approaches in addressing complex domestic/ global issues which provide deliberate social value to communities of need by way of mentoring, STEM, mental health, nutritional resources, fighting homelessness and the causes thereof, incentivizing networks that prevent recidivism in the prison system(s), residential home repairs (painting, lawn care, damage repair to financially challenged residential property), and elderly assistance domestically and globally.

Who conducts the activity?

These activities shall be conducted by a network of social networks which target the critical need.

Where is the activity conducted?

Activities will be conducted within the community of need by the use of various targeted community engagement and leadership workshops for a public purpose.

What percentage of your total time is allocated to the activity?

We expect the foundation to grow. Collective Impacts Foundation is allocating 100 percent of the total time to establish long-term relationships with leaders and residential community members.

How is the activity funded (for example, donations, fees, etc.) and what percentage of your overall expenses is allocated to this activity?

Relationships are long-term relationships built from networks of social networks with stable leadership which promote the needs of the intellectual development of the community domestically and globally amidst an increasingly diverse populous.

How does the activity further your exempt purposes?

The activity will be funded by each social network 100 percent and will be continued in its sustainment in the future via (donations, fees, and grants) with an overall 75 percent of the expenses allocated to these activities. This activity furthers our exempt purposes by allowing Collective Impacts Foundation to dive deeper into the community of diverse needs and present incentives for positive community growth in critically challenged locations.

Do you or will you support or oppose candidates in political campaigns in any way?


Do you or will you attempt to influence legislation?

Yes. The work of the Collective Impacts Foundation is to get legislation in place which helps productively make positive change and deliberate value happen on the ground for resolving social disenfranchisement and disconnects amongst races and various demographics and status systems in society.

Did you or will you make an election to have your legislative activities measured by expenditures by filing Form 5768?



Do you or will you publish, own, or have rights in music, literature, tapes, artworks, choreography, scientific discoveries, or other intellectual property?

Yes. All ownership of published music, logo, literature, tapes, artwork, patents, choreography, scientific discoveries, or other intellectual property is the expressed ownership of the collective Officers of Collective Impacts Foundation. Fees will be charged equally to members until such time that fees are otherwise appropriated from the Foundation allocation. Fees will be equally determined by an equal division of the cost among all permanent foundational members. Collective Impacts Foundation will produce, distribute, and market by with and through participating members of the media and graphic design, and printing press social


Do you or will you provide educational information to the general public on budgeting, personal finance, financial literacy, saving and spending practices, the sound use of consumer credit, and/or assist individuals and families with financial problems such as credit card debt and foreclosure by providing them with counseling?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation promotes the growth of communities beyond their present state of existence using a conglomerate of deliberate value-adding social networks. Collective Impacts Foundation will strive to ensure the receivers of support grow mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically by the enhancement of knowledge by providing educational information to the general public, especially on budgeting, personal finance, financial literacy, saving and spending practices which develop progressively stable consumer credit, employment readiness, and positive residential housing situations growth from public housing to first-time homeownership.

Do you or will you make grants, loans, or other distributions to organizations?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation will be supporting other organizations within the social networks applying for mental health, volunteerism, ethnic, socially disenfranchised, financially supporting, displaced population, youth, elderly care, structural type, and multipurpose distributions. The Foundation supports a competitive documentation-heavy process that consists of written needs assessment and serves as a methodology to garner clear and concise documentation of the submission organization's functional capability to successfully
meet the need of being supported accordingly under the intended purpose of the financial or substantive support being sought for use of the grant, distribution originally stated intent and purpose including submission requirements for the specified fiscal/budgetary year. Collective Impacts Foundation will ensure an audit is completed annually on social networks and the supported recipients that Collective Impacts Foundation supports monetarily or in-kind

Do you or will you make grants, loans, or other distributions to organizations that are not recognized by the IRS as tax exempt under section 501(c)(3)?

Yes. Cross Videology serves the audio, video, lighting, and Film industries. Equipping You To Go serves formerly incarcerated returning women's successful reentry and community partnerships. This but one sample organization proving to be a worthy LLC supporting the betterment of thriving, progressing, and supportive communities. Collective Impacts Foundation promotes the growth of communities beyond their present state of existence.

Do you or will you make grants, loans, or other distributions to foreign organizations?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation promotes the growth of communities beyond their present state of existence using a conglomerate of deliberate value-adding social networks. The impact of the local communities shall extend into the global community by way of food, fresh water, and social protection i.e. humanity awareness support. Sample value-added organizations could be, Friends of the African Union, WeModelUSA, World Conference of Mayors, and The Bridge Center.

Do your contributors know that you have ultimate authority to use contributions made to you at your discretion for purposes consistent with your exempt purposes?

Yes. Each contributor shall receive an information pamphlet detailing the organizational and societal concerns being addressed prior to contributing. Collective Impacts Foundation has the ultimate authority to use contributions made at the foundation's discretion for purposes consistent with the foundation's exempt purposes of crafting a communal (shared) network approach comprised of multiple disciplines in route to positive approaches in addressing complex domestic/global issues.

Do you or will you make pre-grant inquiries about the recipient organization?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation will inquire about the recipient's financial status, its tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code, its ability to accomplish the purpose for which the resources are provided, and other relevant information for the purposes of ensuring the contributions in kind or financial are properly utilized and unselfishly distributed for the good of society. Additionally, at times organizations such as education organizations may build a student-based scholarship competition that is merit-based in its awarding.

Do you or will you use any additional procedures to ensure that your distributions to foreign organizations are used in furtherance of your exempt purposes?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation requires grant recipients to submit various programmatic and financial reports which are due at specific times during the life cycle of a grant award. All reports must be accurate, complete, and submitted on time. these procedures, including periodic reporting requirements, auditing grantees, site visits by Collective Impact Foundation employees or compliance checks by impartial experts, etc., will be used to verify that grant funds are being used appropriately.

Do you share board members or other key personnel with the recipient organization(s)?

Yes. The Collective Impacts Foundation is founded by members of the community of partners embraced in a communal (shared) network approach comprised of multiple disciplines in route to positive approaches in addressing complex domestic/global issues.

When you make grants, loans, or other distributions to foreign organizations, will you check the OFAC List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons for names of individuals and entities with whom you are dealing to determine if they are included on the list?

Yes. As part of Collective Impacts Foundations' commitment to successfully strong communities, enforcement efforts to ensure that grants distribute will most definitely be after the formal review of the OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries.

Will you comply with all United States statutes, executive orders, and regulations that restrict or prohibit U.S. persons from engaging in transactions and dealings with designated countries, entities, or individuals, or otherwise engaging in activities in violation of economic sanctions administered by OFAC?


Will you acquire from OFAC the appropriate license and registration where necessary?


Do you or will you operate in a foreign country or countries?

Yes. Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Ethiopia

When you conduct activities in foreign countries, will you check the OFAC List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons for names of individuals and entities with whom you are dealing to determine if they are included on the list?

Yes. As part of Collective Impacts Foundations' commitment to successfully strong communities, enforcement efforts to ensure that grants distribute will most definitely be after the formal review of the OFAC List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons for names of individuals and entities or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries- ensure that foreign expenditures or grants are not diverted to support terrorism or other non-charitable activities.

Will you comply with all United States statutes, executive orders, and regulations that restrict or prohibit U.S. persons from engaging in transactions and dealings with designated countries, entities, or individuals, or otherwise engaging in activities in violation of economic sanctions administered by OFAC?


Will you acquire from OFAC the appropriate license and registration where necessary?


Are you a sponsoring organization that maintains one or more donor advised funds?

Yes. Collective Impacts Foundation Supports organizations such as Historically Black Colleges, greek fraternities, sororities, and specific organizations like the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, and the like. These organizations most definitely will have one or more donor-advised funds.

Do you or will you operate a school?


Is your principal purpose or function to provide hospital or medical care?


Do you or will you provide low-income housing?


Do you or will you provide scholarships, fellowships, educational loans, or other educational grants to individuals, including grants for travel, study, or other similar purposes?


Do you or will you engage in fundraising activities for other organizations?

Yes. Fundraising is a fundamental part of off-setting activities not covered by the grants secured. The grants are sometimes limited in scope and therefore raise funds for other organizations not meeting and funding sources otherwise but are found creditable in state and with the IRS is a benefit to building stronger organizations who'll in-turn use their gifts to support even more organizations and community growth i.e. Non-profits, local schools, youth intramural sports, senior experiences, and boys and girls clubs to raise life-changing funds.

Describe the types of educational grants you provide to individuals, such as scholarships, fellowships, loans, etc., including the purpose.

Collective Impacts Foundation shall provide to individuals, scholarships, fellowships, loans, etc., for the purpose of higher education and research for vital medical cures, and societal solutions for the betterment of communities, 60 grants per year and amount(s) of $500,000 TO $1,200,000 TOTAL PER YEAR in grants, the program is publicized, and awarded by way of local television stations, web media outlets i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and educational institutions which partner in Collective Impact Foundation's focus areas.

Do you maintain case histories showing recipients of your scholarships, fellowships, educational loans, or other educational grants, including names, addresses, purposes of awards, amount of each grant, manner of selection, and relationship to officers, trustees, or donors of funds to you?


Describe the specific criteria you use to determine who is eligible for your program.

Collective Impacts Foundation strives to support the purpose of serving the at-need and underserved public or mutual benefit-serving organizations which enhance communities rather than organizations with the sole pursuit of accumulation of profits. Collective Impacts Foundation provides services and fills gaps in the community and supports members of the community which strive to improve the community.

Describe the specific criteria you use to select recipients.

Collective Impact Foundation utilizes a proven track record for volunteerism and successful life-skills programming which positively changes an at-need or underserved community dynamic.

Describe any requirement or condition you impose on recipients to obtain, maintain, or qualify for renewal of a grant (for example, specific requirements or conditions could consist of attendance at a four-year college, maintaining a certain grade point average, teaching in public school after graduation from college, etc.).

Criteria for those obtaining grants through the Collective Impacts Foundation require recipients to account for their services and activities in the community and make quarterly reporting to the Collective Impacts Foundation Board. Recipients must prepare five or more community improvement programs, and equally, launch community events that continually engage the at-need underserved community annually. Individuals receiving support shall adhere to specific conditions which could consist of attendance at a four-year college and maintaining a 3.0-grade point average.

Describe your procedures for supervising the scholarships, fellowships, educational loans, or other educational grants. Explain whether you obtain reports and grade transcripts from recipients, or you pay grants directly to a school under an arrangement whereby the school will apply the grant funds only for enrolled students who are in good standing. Also, describe your procedures for taking action if the terms of the award are violated.

Collective Impacts Foundation for scholarship recipients will obtain reports and grade point average transcripts from recipients quarterly, which will allow Collective Impacts Foundation to pay grants directly to the school under an arrangement whereby the school will apply the grant funds only for enrolled students who are in good standing and maintaining a 3.0-grade point average. Organizations that are recipients of financial benefits are required to generate strategic ideas and independent analysis which support good citizenry and encourage diplomacy and progressively train the next generation while bridging generational gaps.

How do you determine who is on the selection committee for the awards made under your program?

Collective Impacts Foundation utilizes a 10-point grading rubric of services to select the members of the selection community in areas of understanding the citizenry need base and essay submission which provide evaluation criteria solutions.


Are relatives of members of the selection committee, or of your officers, directors, or substantial contributors eligible for awards made under your program?

Yes. Relatives of members of the selection committee, or officers, directors, or substantial contributors to Collective Impacts Foundation are eligible for awards made under Collective Impacts Foundation's programming. Collective Impacts Foundation will utilize alternate third-party evaluators in this case, and members of the selection committee will be required to recuse themselves as a measure to ensure unbiased selections.

© 2022 Collective Impacts Foundation Corporation. All rights reserved.

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